Methods Measles antibodies were detected by reversed passive hemagglutination inhibition test ( RPHI) using measles monoclonal antibody sensitized erythrocytes in stead of erythrocytes Of monkeys. 方法采用麻疹单克隆抗体致敏人O型红细胞的反向间接血凝抑制法,检测麻疹抗体。
The HBV markers and HBV DNA in poultry sera, Yolk and bovine milk whey were detected by reversed passive hemagglutination assay ( RPHA), enzyme immunoassay ( EIA) and polymerase chain reaction ( PCR). 应用反向间接血凝试验(RPHA)、酶免疫测定(EIA)和聚合酶链反应(PCR)测定了家禽血清、卵黄和牛乳清中HBV标志物及人HBV-DNA。
Reversed Passive Hemagglutination Assay for Identification of Mycoplasma 应用反向被动血凝方法鉴别支原体的研究
Objective To establish a way through the experiment of solid phase reverse passive hemagglutination to test anti HBs. 目的建立固相反向间接血凝试验检测抗HBs的抗独特型抗体的方法。
A preliminary study on the passive hemagglutination test with Newcastle disease virus 新城鸡瘟病毒间接血球凝集试验的初步报告
Improvement of Reverse Passive Hemagglutination and Hemagglutination Inhibition Test for Xinjiang Hemorrhagic Fever Virus 新疆出血热病毒反向被动血凝和血凝抑制试验的改进研究
Experiment of monoclonal antibodies against infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus by passive hemagglutination test 间接血凝试验检测抗传染性牛鼻气管炎病毒的单克隆抗体
Assay of Human Serum IgE by Reversed Passive Hemagglutination Test 反向被动血凝法测定人血清中IgE
Use of monoclonal antibody sensitized red blood cell for reverse passive hemagglutination test and reverse passive hemagglutination inhibition test for rapid diagnosis of epidemic hemorrhagic fever 流行性出血热病毒单克隆抗体的反向被动血凝和被动血凝抑制试验在诊断中的初步应用
The sensitivity of the test was proved to be4& 8 times as sensitive as that of classical passive hemagglutination test. 在细胞培养上清和小鼠腹水抗体的检测中,其灵敏度比经典的醛化致敏血球提高4~8倍。
Establishment and application of reverse passive hemagglutination with monoclonal antibody against gastric cancer 胃癌单克隆抗体反向被动血凝方法的建立及临床应用
Development of a Passive Hemagglutination Test for the Rapid Screening of Hybridoma Supernatant Specific to O-antigen of Salmonella Species 一种快速检测抗沙门氏菌O抗原单克隆抗体的微量间接血凝试验
A reverse passive hemagglutination test for detection of rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus 用单克隆抗体反向间接血凝检测兔出血症病毒
Passive hemagglutination test modified by PEG to detect monoclonal antibodies 应用聚乙二醇改进的间接血凝试验检测单克隆抗体
Study on the detection of infectious bronchitis virus by reverse passive hemagglutination test 反向被动血凝检测鸡传染性支气管炎病毒的研究
82 serum samples from the blood donors were comparatively tested by using different reagent kits and two methods ( enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, ELISA anl passive hemagglutination inhibition assay, PHA). 献血者血清标本共82份,使用不同的抗-HCV试剂盒,用两种方法(ELISA和PHA)进行对比检测。
Reverse passive hemagglutination assay with monoclonal antibody in diagnosis of gastric cancer 单克隆抗体反向间接血凝试验诊断胃癌